Wednesday 2 October 2019

Thinking FAST or SLOW when it comes to Innovations in your HR, Training and L&D department?

Thinking FAST or SLOW when it comes
to Innovations in your HR, Training and
L&D department?

Dear HR, Training and L&D teams,

R U Thinking Fast or Slow when it comes to Innovations for your HR, Training and L&D Department?

Championing Innovations for your task(s), department (s) and business (s) is a big deal for any HR, Training and L&D personnel. 

TLMM wishes to share with you 2 types of Innovation Thinking that majority Malaysian HR, Training and L&D teams display via their thoughts:

1. Fast innovation occurs when there is a problem to be remedied, a new product or service needed, or answers to be found. This is typically when we BRAINSTORM.  We convene a team, give them a mandate, and create expectations about time frame and resources. We know that we need an answer, but we don’t yet know what it is.

2. Slow innovation is different. This is where new ideas emerge that can benefit the business. They are not predictable nor capable of being forced. Instead, under the right conditions, such results flourish. They can emerge from a variety of sources but certain conditions make these outcomes more likely. 
Slow innovation is something that emerges from a conducive environment. It’s about creating the environment where disruptive ideas can emerge. The “Toyota Way,” which developed into Six Sigma had some elements of this, though it was specifically focused on roles. 
Until our next learning article, let us be innovative!

TLMM Quote for September 2019: Dreams & Golds can be magnets,the stronger the gold and objective that you innovate the faster it becomes REALITY

Cheryl Lourdes & The MatchMakers
We Consult, Match & Screen Best Expert Trainers in Town!
 TLMM' recent validation since started in Y 2010:
  • Award Winner 2015 for Best Background Screening Provider By Human Resource Vendor
  • Award Winner 2017 for HRD Movers and Shakers Best Innovation Practices in Learning and Development
  • Award Winner 2017 for Best Background Screening Provider By Human Resource Vendors

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