Wednesday 29 August 2018

Picture Superiority Effect (PSE) - Get your Millennials Ready to Learn

Dear HR, Training and L&D teams,

Picture Superiority Effect (PSE) - Get your Millennials Ready to Learn

Following our article a few months ago on How Does an Engaged Learner ‘Look Like’ In the Classroom (, this article I wish to share with you talks about how can we get Millennials love learning more.  The answer is through Picture Superiority Effect (PSE). 

Every credible trainer needs to engage with participants.  A credible trainer must notice that every participant has different ways to understand what you are explaining. As suggested by Dr. Richard Mayer, a psychologist professor of UC Santa Barbara, a more effective way to explain is by using multi-sensory methods (auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic).

So here are our tips on why adding pictures are crucial to ensuring your learners (we call them your Millennials) love learning and makes it enjoyable through recollection of memories.

1. Add a picture, and a learners recollection rate will soar to 65% (reference from Carmine Gallo).

Pictures help people to focus and remember better. It is believed that the human brain has the ability to memorize more than 2,000 pictures with high accuracy in recognition, exceeding the ability of brain in understanding and memorizing words. In addition, pictures stay in long-term memory.

2. Learners will have immediate reactions through pictures.

Pictures generate immediate and stronger reactions than words. The human brain is created to analyse and knowing the scenario in pictures in a short time because pictures are processed multiple times faster than text. 

3. Pictures can create emotional response from participants because pictures have stronger and faster reactions than words. 

In the brain, the pictures are encoded in the same place as emotions are processed. Because of that, picture can help Millenials to  be highly engaged.  

In summary, the use of slides has emerged as a teaching method. However, a learner cannot be forced to read wordy slide while the trainer is speaking, the message would not be well delivered and the learners would lose their attention towards the trainer. Adding pictures on your slides would make the interaction between you and your participants more interactive. A picture helps an individual understand and remember 6x more than listening and reading words. So, let us look back to our main question, how do trainers engage with participants, make an emotional connection and get them to notice without being distracted? We already have the answer, which is Picture Superiority Effect. 

So, add pictures in slides and make your learning loveable and enjoyable by your Millennials.

Until our next article

Cheryl & The Matchmakers

Quote for August:  If you are willing and obedient, you will be the best learner possible

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