Thursday 3 January 2013

Top 10 Predictions for corporate training in 2013 by TLMM

-         Research are based on reading articles adopted online and published to our Malaysian companies here. TLMM reserves the right to comment and share our knowledge on what we know to you.

1.       There will be more innovation in programs designed and delivered by Training Providers in Malaysia
TLMM Comment: Is this a good thing?
Yes because, this creates more awareness amongst customers to identify the exact needed materials needed for their employees.

2.       There will be more Training Providers will establish subsidiary companies under their brands to build more competition in the market
TLMM Comment: Is this a good thing?  
Yes because, customers will have a choice of option on various training programmes.
No because, customers will be confused on who exactly this training provider is; and what is the recognition and standard qualifies emough to train and design the training programmes.

3.       There will be a shift of responsibility on the learner attending the trainings. 
TLMM Comment: Is this a good thing?  
Yes because, now the participants who attends workshops/ attend consultations/ coaching classes have to be serious and move forward in align with the organization needs.

4.       There will be proper holistic effectiveness tools designed to enhance the trainings after completion.
TLMM Comment: Is this a good thing?  
Definitely yes.  Many training managers will start to implement and make the training to be justifiable even before its calendared out.

5.       There will be a change in focus for entry level executives training plans. 
TLMM Comment: Is this a good thing?
Yes - because companies will want to ensure that the transition between the graduate programs into early career development initiatives and on to leadership schemes is smooth and structured.
No - because there is always a risk on providing a structured training for entry levels before seeing their true potential on strengths that they encounter.

6.       There will be a great need for coaching and mentoring and to insipire people to be in align with the organizations needs.  Leadership and EI will be the strong factors in training.
TLMM Comment: Agree.

7.       There will be more brain training games innovated by training providers. 
TLMM Comment: Agree.

8.       There will be more WorkLife Balance Trainings planned for employees, as in the modern workplace, where responsibilities are rarely constrained to office hours, work/life balance incentives have greater value.
TLMM Comment: Agree.

9.       Forward-thinking companies ditch the annual performance review. The antiquated yearly performance review will begin to see a rapid demise. More frequent, even ad hoc, employee performance reviews will replace the stilted, uncomfortable conversations of yesteryear. Organizations will embrace more spontaneous conversations about specific, recent performance functions, improving overall organization communication, and allowing employees to more quickly improve the quality of their contributions
TLMM Comment: Agree to a certain level as our Malaysian companies find it hard to adapt to new changes and to ditch a performance review?  Boy…you must have a very strong and innovative leader that is willing to take good risk.

10.    And our Final 10th Prediction is:
Training will be outsourced to simplify the entire training stage.
Hence call TLMM to partner with you. We only search a minimal fee per year and all the below is added in:
-          TNA Consultant to brief and diagnose your needs
-          Effectiveness forms from Stage 1 – 2 is provided
-          Searching Analysis metrics is provided
-          Each training program is given a discount of 13% (since its 2013), we chose 13 as our lucky discount card and this only last until the 1st Q.

 Thanks for reading this guys!

1 comment:

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