Saturday 5 January 2013

Giving Good Service - The first rule in a trainers bible

The Learning MatchMaker's primary goal is to find the best in class trainers and to do this there is a lot background work needed.  Interviewing and listening to trainers speak is the first stage of our matchmaking process.  We have come across hundreds of trainers with this characteristics: humble trainers, arrogant trainers, intelligent trainers, snobish trainers, unethical trainers, straight forward trainers, ignorent trainers, value added trainers, lazt trainers, dilligent trainers, business savy trainers,  and the list goes on and on..but we have realised that if a trainer gives good service (effective training that receives praises from participants), there is a high probability that their customer will seek a ssecond buy in of their training programs. 

To do this, 'Giving Good Service' is the first rule to be played in a trainers bible. Here are some tips to be shared for trainers and also customers to understand better.

1. Treat customers as friends
Always remember that you as the trainer has the solution and your customer who is your friend has the problem that needs your help. When you treat them as friends, you are more likely to show a genuine concern about the customers issues. 

2. Regard customers as royalty
Even though customers are like friends they are influenced as an organisation.  And if you dont treat them as a royalty, you may loose the business eventually. Here is an example of what we mean 'TLMM faced a very difficult situation a few months ago, we were requested to search for a great trainer in the area of supply chain negotiations and after several interviews and great trainers we found a good match.  The only problem we had with this trainer was his 'arogance'.  He could not treat customers rightly and always believes he was better than them.  He did not want to comply with customers meeting dates even though options were given but wanted the customer to indirectly beg him for options of other dates.  Finally after going through strong moments of communications with him, TLMM decided this was not good on branding as the trainer did not treat customers with respect.  This trainer lost the job and TLMM found another match for the customer'. 

3. Never hard sell your other trainings
Good customer service should not revolve against 'hard sell'. Instead you as the trainer need to give memorable and cherisable experiences to your participants where they will feel that they have been cared for.  Have patients,  you will surely be called back to do more trainings.  The trick here is to leave the training room with a lasting impression and solid knowledge transferred.  Your service will be remembered.

Happy reading guys!

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