Wednesday, 5 February 2020

How do You Promote Continuous Learning

How do You Promote Continuous Learning

Dear HR, Training and L&D Heads and Teams,

The modern learner needs to develop continuous learning, hence TLMM has divided our sharing to 3 areas: The Individual learning habits, The Managers and the Teams.

How do You Promote Continuous Learning
  • Individuals need to take responsibility for their own continuous self-improvement, learning and development to stay relevant in their jobs – and not rely on being spoon fed by their organisations – hence developing the skills for modern learning will be key. Having personal and relevant learning experiences will be important, rather than relying on a one-size-fits all, sheep dip approach to training.
  • Managers need to take (much more) responsibility for the growth and development of their people in their daily working lives – and not just pass this off to their L&D department. it means valuing non-training ways of learning, adopting modern learning practices themselves, and encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experiences in their teams
  • Teams need to stop trying to “command and control” workplace learning. After all they can no longer provide and manage everything everyone needs to learn to do their job and prepare them and the organisation for the future. Their work will need to be more about supporting building, enabling and supporting this new organisational learning culture and mindset.                
  • In summary: Adopting modern workplace learning mindset will not mean imposing some top-down change management program, rather it will mean L&D having a new relationship with the business.
Until our next learning article,
Happy Learning.
TLMM Quote for February 2020: Behind every great idea, 10 things won't work! Do it again ! 

Cheryl Lourdes & The MatchMakers
We Consult, Match & Screen Best Expert Trainers in Town!
 TLMM' recent validation since started in 2010:
  • Award Winner 2015 for Best Background Screening Provider By Human Resource Vendor
  • Award Winner 2017 for HRD Movers and Shakers Best Innovation Practices in Learning and Development
  • Award Winner 2017 for Best Background Screening Provider By Human Resource Vendors

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