Monday, 12 October 2015

Top 21 Companies With Good Work Balance Practices


Herewith is an amazing concept done with employers in Malaysia to assist their ‘women employees’ on worklife balance.    Do read on for your future plannings!

  • Maybank, formalized flexible work arrangements with options for staff to work on fixed flexible schedule, flextime, part-time and flexible work location, among others. 
  • Mentor Women programme: is a structured mentoring and coaching programme design exclusively for women to develop effective future leaders among-st women as well as raise their performance level.


IBM support women employees such as enabling nursing mothers to send their milk to their babies at the fastest time possible.


  • 45% of board members at the level are women, 38%at the executive committee level
  •    KPJ implemented telecommuting with the IT team, where employees can work from home two days per week. 
  • Eco World has childcare leave for employees with children ages 12 and below is available, being an extension of the employees's medical leave entitlement.
  • Dell has introduced a new recruiter goal to proactively drive diverse hiring, whereby every recruiter is to float one female candidates to their selected hiring manager per quarter.


  • Diversity and Inclusion has targeted to hire 28% women in technical skill-pool and 50% in the commercial skill-pool
  •   Also raising awareness of sponsorship for the senior women leaders in all business units, with   the country chairman having several senior women leaders under his sponsorship. 
  • Women's Mentoring Circle to tap on each other's  experiences and thrive together.
  • Implemented Career Comeback
  • Programme (ICare-IHS Career Relaunch) to recruit
  • women professional who took a career break due to various reasons to help facilitate their back to the workforce.


  • Has introduced the Maternity and Paternity Support  (MAPS) portal which supports employees who are expecting fathers and mothers to manage smooth transition to parenthood
  • With a target of more than 50% women at top management level.


  • Has a target workforce that looks, thinks and behave like their customers, with recruitment metrics for gender and age and talents planning metric which tracks percentage of women in critical role. 


  • Has introduced four weeks paternity leave and 4 months of maternity leave on full pay.
  • Monetary bonus is given to all new parents under the Baby Bonding Bonus Scheme to facilitate the bonding between parents and children.


  • 100% of female workforce have flexible working hours, including working from any location.
  • Partners with Talent Corp to design a Career Transition Workplace for women returning from career breaks.
  • Implemented staggered hours with the option to commence office hours at 8am, 8:30am and 9am.
  • Designation car park for expecting mothers and plans o set up a childcare center. 
  • Female CEO with 50% female direct report.

  •  Employees encouraged to take up to three days of paid leave a year to volunteer for community and environment programmes.
  • Focused programmes for women including
  • International women's Day and women's Network
  • Total maternity leave extended from 60 to 90 days 

  • PETRONAS ICT enable more than 250 employees to work away from the office at any convenient location.
  • Enhancement of Mother's Room focusing on design and facility improvements to 37 Mother's Room to make more comfortable and functional
  • Introduced the PETRONAS Returnee Programme, which provides the option to hire talents who left to attend family matters.
  • Options of applying for an additional 30 consecutive dates of maternity leave on half pay.


  • Talent Review discussions take into consideration the diverse mix of high potentials with the talent Acquisition team adhering to a guideline to shortlist at least 40% female candidates.
  • The Women's Business Council ( WBC ) launched a "Women to Watch" platform to recognize and raise the visibility of high-achieving female employees and reinforce the importance of gender diversity all levels.


  • Maternity Protection Policy ( to be fully implement by 2018 ) provides female employees the minimum maternity benefits, which include the right to return to the same job or equivalent after maternity leave, flexible work arrangements and the option to take reasonable breaks to breastfeed 
  • Childcare subsidies of up to RM 2,400 per year on childcare service under the flexibenefit programme


  • Piloted Flexible Work Arrangements with the HR to introduce the policy organisation-wide in june 2015. Start and end time of working hours can be between 7am and 9a or between 4pm and 6pm.
  • Maternity leave extend for a further 30 days immediately following the 60 calendar days, and Carer's Leave to care for family members.


  • Set-up a support and knowledge-sharing platform for women employees called "Lipsticks and Laptop" to retain women and to encouraging them to scale greater heights whilst juggling both their career and family commitments.
  • Employees flexible working hours and are provided the option to work from home for a maximum of two days a week ( with option to extend )
  • Maternity leave extended an additional one month with half pay, trimester parking, nursing room with refrigerator and sterilizer.


  • Employees can request to work from home for up to two days a month
  • Time-off of two hours granted on ad-hoc basis to allow employees to attend to personal needs.


  • Discounted prices offered to employers in selected childcare centers.
  • Prioritized women in recruitment and succession planning for engineering and executive roles
  • Female employees in managerial positions are put through specific leadership programmes including female leadership forum, language programmes and internal coaching


  • More than 50% of heads of department are women, with strong representation in key roles including the first female partner as head of advisory and first female partner as chief information officer and head of information technology advisory of KPMG Malaysia, who was appointed as head of ASPAC Cyber Security.
  • More than 50% of heads of department are women, with strong representation in key roles
  • Options for career breaks of more than six months to up to one year, apart from unpaid leave.flexibility to work less than KPMG's standard full time hours, i.e. work shorter days or work fewer days weekly.

Until our next sharing folks!
Regards, Research team of TLMM

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