Friday, 4 September 2015


Testing for competence rather than intelligence that argued on aptitude and intelligence tests providing limited information regarding whether an individual would be able to perform in real life outcomes, such as at the workplace.

Instead, assessments of individual should be based on evaluating competencies and how well they perform at a certain defined criteria that are matched to the actual real life outcomes.

In the common forms, individuals undergoing talents assessment are often potential talents applying into an organisation or existing talents currently working within the organization.

Talent assessment is simply about collecting data about people in a way that makes sense to the business; for them to understand who they are, what they can do and what they can improve on.

The practice of assessing employees or potential talent easily falls into common practices standardized testing and assessment centers.
In standardized testing, the use of psychometric assessment focuses on uncovering an understanding of individuals based on their personalities, behavioral tendencies, motivation and interest.

The responses are then compared to a benchmark of average scores, known as a norm sample, to determine each individual's results on the factors being tested.
Assessment centers are a combination of multiple assessment activities that a candidates has to complete while being observed by a trained observer.
These assessor would observe candidates on the basis of their performance, often related to specific job-related behaviors and competencies that in focus.

Both standardized testing and assessment centers can be used to meet a variety of objectives in assessing talents, and can be used across different levels of organizations.

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