Monday 24 September 2012

We have come across a very interesting article that can mean for many trainers who usually send their CVs to customers.  We know that most often, CVs are not read unless its interesting and sparks and interest to you as a customer.  Hence this article can become a learning ground.

Rework Your Resume
Update it to avoid coming across as “over the hill”

If your trainer is from the Baby Boom generation (born between 1946 and 1964), he may feel little left out by training industry. The young HR Managers/ Training Managers do not seem to respond to your skills and experience that much.

This is because your CV could be culprit. It is due for an update if it contains:

·         Outdated technology skills
·         Outdated industry or occupational terminology
·         Outdated resume trends

Use these tips to perform an extreme resume makeover: (We adopted this from the newspaper and this was written by Deborah Walker, resume coach and former executive recruiter)

Check multiple job descriptions to see what the industry really want. Find out what is missing in your resume.  Decide what you need to learn to enhance the technology gap. Attend adult education classes, college classes or even online learning. Be aware that technology terms often used as keywords to filter the best resumes from electronic database. If you do not have them, your resume will be invisible.

One way to keep your resume update is through publications from your industry’s professional associations. If you do not belong to any professional associations, you might be missing out on the latest industry-speak.

Another good resource is job descriptions. Search job descriptions in your field for recurring terms. It is important to learn the current terminology for your industry correctly and efficiently.

Format and Style
It may not be the best choice if you are still using the old-fashioned reverse-chronological format. Advanced hybrid format may be much better at promoting your skills and expertise, providing you with more professional presentations. You will form an impression to the potential employers based on your best accomplishments with the hybrid resume.

If you have trainers you know, do share this information. 
Until the next article, see you soon.

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