Thursday, 12 June 2014


Hello Good morning everyone! 

Recently we have been listening to BFM. Here are some of the great rules of social media that you can learn from the inspiring , Ellen Degeneres.

1. Make sure you know the language of your clients ,customers and audiences. Learn to target the right audiences then you will know how to speak to them.

2. Take advantage through social media, to create awareness by using the right words to attract your audiences. Also learn to make sure that you do not use words that could offend your viewers and audiences. 

3. Create something special to offer to the cyber world .

4. Making social media even more interesting. Do what's right for your training business and keep it real.

5. When it comes to business marketing try to help whenever possible and balance everything that touches people hearts. So if you contribute to the community or cause around you consistenly , do tell people and others to join your social media this could be a long term corporate goal for you. 

Happy Friday Amazing People! 

By, Divwya Deszebelle Ann 

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