Sunday, 20 April 2014

Should we trainer internally or hire an external trainer?

Have you come across a situation whereby you and your management cannot decide if you need to do an internal training or using an external trainer would be better? Here are comparisons of differences taken from an article from the web.

Pro's of using internal trainers  Con's of using internal trainers
-Cost saving (As long as they are fully utilized)-In general it is natural for internal trainers, if they’ve been with the organisation for some time, to become in a sense institutionalised.
-They may often have some pre-conceived ideas of what is possible and what’s not within the confines of the organisation, so can be overly cautious in driving change and can fall into the trap of “doing things the way they’ve always been done” rather than pushing the boundaries and driving major “out of the box” thinking and training. 
- Knowledge of Company's Policies and procedures-Unlike external trainers, many internal trainers do not have easy access to new methodologies and ideas in training.
- Ability to provide real life examples that trainees can easily relate to-Many of them are unable to keep up with new industry trends or what is happening in other organizations and bring in this type of experience into the training room.
 -External trainers are seen as expert consultants in their fields and may therefore have greater impact on participants
 -Internal trainers also may be unable to commit due to their other duties. Consequently the pool of trainers is not stable and their experience is not consistent. It is often the case that new trainers are added and old trainers disappear along the way and this does not provide stability or guarantee a certain level of skill of the group of internal trainers.
 -Trainers can often be presented with underlying complaints or issues which can be dealt with in the classroom in a dispassionate way by an external trainer rather than an internal trainer who may not be able to handle it as well.

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