Saturday, 5 April 2014

Leadership Gaps: Baby Boomers will expect to retire in the next 3 years

According to Bersins and Bersins, they have predicted that more than 60 percent of all companies in US will cite 'leadership gaps' as their top business challenge.

In Malaysia, I expect this gaps will be the same. Leadership will be a big challenge in 2014. Executives are struggling with leadership gaps at all levels - from the line supervisors to the top.  For some companies, this year baby boomers will begin to retire and if you are not ready to fill the gaps, you will be in a very difficult situation.

Leadership challenges looks even tougher now, as we have younger and less educated workforces entering the labour market, hence trainings needed to be more engaged.

Here are a few tips to prepare yourself as the Head of Training and HR to review the key areas of leadership gaps before planning to fulfill the gaps:

1. Find out the key areas of shortages in various skills?

2. Find out factors contributing to retention: eg: managerial excellence, recognition and rewards, career opportunities, career opportunities, a flexible work environment, great online tools and a corporate mission or purpose of the company.

3. Find out how you can emerge a 'Corporate Talent System'. In 2014, we need to think of all elements of talent management as an integrated 'system' - each working together, but fitting into a total employee environment.

This article has been adapted from Bersins and Bersins newsletter.

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